Dat Boi [FALLEN] @yoyoitsnsfw
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Impalpable Panda
Dat Boi [FALLEN] @yoyoitsnsfw
ayy wassgood G

Impalpable Panda @pandah
Impalpable Panda @pandah

hououin kyouma @naty20131 *dabs

Impalpable Panda @pandah
Impalpable Panda @pandah
My costume from Halloween!!!

Impalpable Panda @pandah
Impalpable Panda @pandah

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 woah it looks cool....what is it?

Impalpable Panda @pandah Princess Mononoke

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 still looks pretty cool XD did you make it yourself?

Impalpable Panda @pandah yes I did, I made it with my mom. I painted and sanded stuff down and put together the necklace and modified the shoes and she sewed and put the mask together.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 it looks like a pro made it o.o

Impalpable Panda @pandah Wow! Really? OoO thank you so much (๑•́‧̫•̀๑)

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 yeah it looks like a costume you would buy from the store and no prob

Impalpable Panda @pandah thanks O///O we both worked hard on it, I'm glad that people see it that way! OwO

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 im sure you did lol what did you do for the mask?

Impalpable Panda @pandah cooking paper, plaster, and then baked it in the oven

Impalpable Panda @pandah then we sanded it down and painted it then we sprayed it over with a type of clear spray so the paint wouldn't chip off

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 oh wow i thought you did like some kind of paper mache. looks good either way

Impalpable Panda @pandah thanks OwO

Impalpable Panda @pandah
Impalpable Panda @pandah

TrueMandalorian @truemandalorian
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Impalpable Panda
TrueMandalorian @truemandalorian

Impalpable Panda @pandah
Impalpable Panda @pandah
HALLOWEEN IS TOMORROW!!!!!! 《《o(≧◇≦)o》》

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 Watch out for those clowns tho! :o

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 they wouldnt dare hurt a panda right? RIGHT!!?

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 Potential excintion matters not to the clowns of darkness....truly unforgiving bastards

Impalpable Panda @pandah ehh, i'll be okay, i'm part cannibalist XD

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 "Killer Clowns V. Maneating Pandas" coming to a theaters near you this Halloween.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 no wonder we were endangered XD you kept eating the other pandas

Impalpable Panda @pandah shhhh!!! it's a secret between us now... (。◝‿◜。)

Impalpable Panda @pandah
Impalpable Panda @pandah
I'm back! and soooooo exhausted =o=

Impalpable Panda @pandah
Impalpable Panda @pandah
Going on a camping trip from the 17th to the 23rd!
Goodbye for now~ OwO

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Impalpable Panda
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
i mean i have done one of two good drawings but im usually never in a mood to practice tbh