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Mental Disorders

otapho90 @otapho90
commented on
Mental Disorders
otapho90 @otapho90
Anyway. I do apologize, I could have explained things a bit better than I have here. But that is the long story short version.
I just play the cards I am dealt and enjoy life regardless of what disorder I may have.
Mental Disorders

otapho90 @otapho90
commented on
Mental Disorders
otapho90 @otapho90
Usually the 2 types of people I run into that give me the most problems are... 1. The types who think you are over-reacting and have no problems and 2. the types who acknowledge you have problems and become very overly sympathetic and act like its the end of the world. It does grow to be bothersome. :(
When I think back to my school years it really does explain why I had such a hard time though. I am at least glad I know it was somewhat out of my hands.