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Jambino @jambino
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Jambino @jambino

♡ A-Mei-Zing ♡ @assam
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♡ A-Mei-Zing ♡ @assam
No problem.
A lot came here for the social side (forums) as not a lot of people in their area are open to discussing the topic so it gives them an escape kind of.
I don't know, the site was launched in 2009 i think so it's kind of losing the dating capability as time goes on but that hasn't stopped a few people as of recent.
Just talk to people on the forums or search your matches and I'm sure you'll find the spark that sets it off ^^

notshytolove @notshytolove Thanks a lot man. I hope that works! :3

Miss Cold Hearted @twilizeldur
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Miss Cold Hearted @twilizeldur
ohhh, I don't live in Ohio and I start school next month so I can't go. :(
Death of perfect mom

notshytolove @notshytolove
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Death of perfect mom
notshytolove @notshytolove
Thanks guys. I'm really not feeling well. To tell you the truth, I really just want to be done with this life, with all of the pain and sadness. I just want all of it to disappear. I feel like a loser. No girlfriend, no job, no mother and now no father to get me anywhere. I fear that soon I'll lose my brother too. I'm just lame as hell man. I have no one to help me anymore and it sucks.
I just want to go away and disappear. To just die and let it all turn to blackness, cause to be honest, anywhere is better than here right now...
Death of perfect mom

notshytolove @notshytolove
commented on
Death of perfect mom
notshytolove @notshytolove
Thanks everyone for listening to me, and your right Go. It really does suck. I have no girlfriend, no life and now no mother. What's worse is now my dad just got locked up today. What next? My brother is gonna die during training? Or is it gonna be me? My life has been nothing but crap for the last twenty years and still I have nothing to show for it. It really does seem like the end for me....