tigerfestivals @tigerfestivals
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tigerfestivals @tigerfestivals
I have no idea how to reply to comments, but about the shitposting groups, perhaps gamers? weebs? discord? The internet in general? I mean we keep hearing these normies and left wing feminists whining about trolls and hate, yet they continue to stick around or invade the spaces. That's my guess anyway. If that's the case why do said people come online expecting a safe space?

neeto @neet_one There's a box bellow comments that says reply to this.

neeto @neet_one

oniiai(raven) @oniiai
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oniiai(raven) @oniiai
neet!!! idk if you remember me. i was underage when i joined

neeto @neet_one 16 right?

oniiai(raven) @oniiai no! i was about 14-15

neeto @neet_one close enough!

tigerfestivals @tigerfestivals
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tigerfestivals @tigerfestivals

I wonder this myself.

neeto @neet_one well what do they mean by shitposting groups?

tigerfestivals @tigerfestivals
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tigerfestivals @tigerfestivals
Hey Neet did you watch this video? This guy really nails the truth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfU8TUZRtZg&index=34&list=WL

neeto @neet_one He rejects society to become a bottom feeder, then says it hurts when society rejects him?
If you don't want people to think you're bugging them for money or that you're going to rob them, maybe you shouldn't look like a homeless person when you approach them? Just a thought.

neeto @neet_one
neeto @neet_one
So theaters are showing Ghibli movies in the area now so I went to see Porco rosso today.

BurningHalo @burninghalo
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BurningHalo @burninghalo

neeto @neet_one Brofist!

neeto @neet_one
neeto @neet_one
It's amazing how disgustingly unsympathetic and cruel women can be sometimes.
One practically just told me I deserve to be alone for the rest of my life because I remind her of her boyfriend.

Ed~ @yamadaed It's definitely your fault for being born with such a face and acquiring such personality over the years <---logic

Maddie-chan @kyonsuzumiya God that is harsh! x.x people that say things like that aren't worth the time. I am sorry that you had to deal with someone that cruel

Lishifu @hakutaku Sorry to hear that.

PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup WHAT!!!!!??!!??? Where is she? Let me at her!!!!! That is so shitty. Is she trying to not cheat and likes you? Or just a terrible person?

neeto @neet_one Her boyfriend is apparently really clingy and needy I guess, and she says I sounded just like him and didn't want to hear any of that "but I'm different" stuff.

Manga_bird @manga_bird What? That's a load of crap. You're one of the most grounded and level-headed people on here. You deserve all the good things! Anyone who says otherwise is clearly either lying or ignorant.

neeto @neet_one Thanks guys. I pretty much just ignored her. Just amazing though the way people act sometimes.

alibaba707minteye @alibaba707minteye
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alibaba707minteye @alibaba707minteye
Yes it is they are trying to improve it

Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
This account has been suspended.

Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
This account has been suspended.

neeto @neet_one I'm pretty sure I already did before you made this comment...