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gjkkk @gjkkk
left a comment for
Nanbaka Warden
gjkkk @gjkkk
hi this is the first time I've seen an nanbaka so cool

Rorik Senpai (3D Artist) @thecave2317
left a comment for
Nanbaka Warden
Rorik Senpai (3D Artist) @thecave2317

Thanks for the add!

BurningHalo @burninghalo
left a comment for
Nanbaka Warden
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Dragon ball Z
Use one word to describe the person above you

Nanbaka Warden @nanbaka
commented on
Use one word to describe the person above you
Nanbaka Warden @nanbaka
Mmm I haven't met you yet but I'll guess that you are a cool guy
Last one to post here wins

Nanbaka Warden @nanbaka
commented on
Last one to post here wins
Nanbaka Warden @nanbaka
