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monstrecharmant @monstrecharmant
monstrecharmant @monstrecharmant
I will never forgive indecision. Never again.

Locked. @masuji
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Locked. @masuji
Hello Justin, how are you doing?

monstrecharmant @monstrecharmant
monstrecharmant @monstrecharmant
Band competitions/practice, yes? Sounds like a handful.
All my friends were in band in high school except me, heh. I just wasn't musically talented (nor could my parents afford instruments and stuff for me).

monstrecharmant @monstrecharmant
commented on
monstrecharmant @monstrecharmant
Closer to Jasper than Tuscaloosa but yeah.
Any Otaku in Alabama?

monstrecharmant @monstrecharmant
commented on
Any Otaku in Alabama?
monstrecharmant @monstrecharmant
I'm also from Alabama :D Tuscaloosa right here.