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Last online 7年以上 ago
Saya @its_saya left a comment for ZeldaChan
Dec 27, 14 at 11:37pm
Heh, I could but I'm too shy to cosplay. It's just a culture thing, people think sex in media is bad once it's shown, ironically television that eludes to or even implies it is considered normal. HP Lovecraft is a horror author, he's the one who created the Cthulhu Mythos.
luciendar2k @luciendar2k left a comment for ZeldaChan
Dec 27, 14 at 9:48pm
well I haven't finished retyping it yet. But this new one is exciting, i think it's coming off a little bland. But it's still in it's rough draft phase. No I haven't watched that one yet. Is it good?
byrondango @byrondango left a comment for ZeldaChan
Dec 27, 14 at 9:39pm
I will definitely will.
luciendar2k @luciendar2k left a comment for ZeldaChan
Dec 27, 14 at 9:25pm
I just recently finished up akame ga kill, which was sooooo good. The ending was a little sad, but in no way was it bad. Honestly I've been on a really weird romantic comedy anime kick here recently. But I guess everyone gets on weird kicks sometimes. Actually my big project now is I just started writing my third book. My first one was in high school and well just for fun to screw with my teachers, the second I wrote a couple years back and was considering submiting it to be published. Unfortunately I lost all of the online data for it and only have a hard copy left so I have to retype the whole thing :( But this new one I've been excited about for a while and rolling over it's possibilities.
byrondango @byrondango left a comment for ZeldaChan
Dec 27, 14 at 9:22pm
Haha youre right. Just need to finish it before classes starts.
byrondango @byrondango left a comment for ZeldaChan
Dec 27, 14 at 9:15pm
Im gonna pull an all-nighter to watch it then. Thanks!
byrondango @byrondango left a comment for ZeldaChan
Dec 27, 14 at 8:55pm
Wow that was a lot. Ive watch lovely complex and I loved it! Im gonna watch those that you have mentioned then :)
luciendar2k @luciendar2k left a comment for ZeldaChan
Dec 27, 14 at 8:47pm
I know, it's so tearing. It's awesome to be able to marathon, but when watching a new show episode by episode, you're so excited the day before the next one airs lol. It's so much fun.
byrondango @byrondango left a comment for ZeldaChan
Dec 27, 14 at 8:44pm
Yes im a big kaminomi fan. Ive been watching a lot of shojo lately. What animes are you watching now
luciendar2k @luciendar2k left a comment for ZeldaChan
Dec 27, 14 at 8:42pm
playing some games and watching anime, but i'm right there with you, when things get busy and I can't get my anime/gaming fix, I go into withdraws lol.