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Last online 7年以上 ago
byrondango @byrondango left a comment for ZeldaChan
Dec 27, 14 at 8:33pm
Hey there! Thanks im good, how are things lately?
luciendar2k @luciendar2k left a comment for ZeldaChan
Dec 27, 14 at 8:12pm
Thank you, and the same goes to you. I am always here if you need someone to talk to. If I said my leg is hurting I don't really remember lol. But my neck has been my real problem. But yeah, I have bad days and good days ya know. All in all, much better, thank you. How are you and how was your Christmas.
ZenRyuji @zenryuji left a comment for ZeldaChan
Dec 25, 14 at 3:34pm
baztard @baztard left a comment for ZeldaChan
Dec 24, 14 at 1:22pm
nothing exiting college, anime, and videogames XD
luciendar2k @luciendar2k left a comment for ZeldaChan
Dec 22, 14 at 9:38pm
You can't let life keep ya down. Once it knows how to, it'll never let ou up again.
Saya @its_saya left a comment for ZeldaChan
Dec 22, 14 at 7:22pm
Hey, no problem. Not too many people in general played it, though due to the nature of VN's, it makes it even rarer for women to like it. Not to mention Saya can be a very polarizing character. Yeah, I always loved HP Lovecraft, so I absolutely fell in love with the VN and it's take on some of his works. I'm pretty good, a bit tired, but that's normal after such a long day. Also, if you were wondering, I do usually go by Saya around friends and in real life as well.
ZenRyuji @zenryuji left a comment for ZeldaChan
Dec 22, 14 at 9:46am
I wish I could find someone new, but the fear of getting hurt a 15th time is holding me back. Plus I'm extremely shy, afraid of being misunderstood, offending others by accident. Basically, I have a history of bad luck, despite all my hardwork and good deeds none of them went unpunished and it's hard to forget such traumatic events, let alone share them with someone who's interested in me. Great insults last a long time, that's how I got into writing in the first place. To make better memories and protect the victimized on a theraputic reading scale. I don't just want to entertain my fans, I want to set good heroic examples and bring back moral fiber guidance to a troubled world at war with itself. I'm more than just an author, I'm a positive philosopher and moral therapist. There's nothing I wouldn't do to bring back world peace in my own unique way. Thank you for the new congrats too ^^ It's been an honor talking with you again, hope to hear from you again. Take care
ZenRyuji @zenryuji left a comment for ZeldaChan
Dec 21, 14 at 9:29pm
Awesome, and yes I am an author ^^ been writing Anime/Manga for 14 years now, thanks for the congrats too. It was actually my very first faerie tale Anime/Manga ever written, Jack Knaven: The Little Knight. No need to feel sorry for me though, it was just being responsible that got me into all that trouble. I only moved to Colorado at the time so me and my ex could start a new life in her hometown. She hated it in Delaware, so I made the mature decision to move back with her, I loved her with all my heart, just seeing her happy meant the world to me, what choice did I have? Sadly, instead of her being proud of me, she became demanding and impossible to please, even though she promised to be patient and understanding when I was looking for work. I only wish I found this company alot sooner, but would it have made her happy regardless? She dropped the HOBBY h-bomb on me and I've been studying this line of work long before high school. I bursted into tears, got called a child, haven't seen her since I moved back to Seaford. Truth is she doesn't know what she wants. This is the same woman, who when I first met her, I just came out of another heartbreaking relationship with a cheater and she said she was sympathetic, had been there herself and BELIEVED in my work, that it was special and loved my goal to save lives theraputically with it, but once she had all the money I could possibly spend on her after such a big move, she didn't need me anymore. One minute I'm sitting there trying to find all the connections I could, the next she blows up on me out of nowhere like the Akira bomb and for what? Because of a stupid paycheck that came later than expected and didn't get spoiled on her. I know right, pretty hard to swallow when your fiancee goes from nice to nasty and makes you feel worthless when really you're making more money than her. Not to mention I wasted thousands of dollars on flight tickets and pulip dolls with no purpose but to put on display for her. Yeah, a grown woman her age, still playing with dolls, bought with MY money and she has the nerve to call ME a child. She wasn't just spoiled, she was hypocritical and my sweet hardwork, career and feelings paid the price. Yeah, it was THAT bad. Sorry, didn't mean to keep going on about it. TTT-TTT ~wipes the sudden tears away, trying to stay strong~ I haven't been looking at new animes lately, mostly cause I don't have anyone to share them with, but also cause I've been too busy writing my own. I don't know, it just seems more exciting when I can create my own. Things were alot more fun when I had a full-time cartoonist to watch as they came to life, but he's doing his own thing now and I also play custom character video games on my spare time, it helps give me new inspiration I haven't maybe tried yet too. Anyway, it was an honor to finally chat with you, I hope we can do it again sometime. Thank you again and take care ~I bow ever so politely before I depart~
luciendar2k @luciendar2k left a comment for ZeldaChan
Dec 21, 14 at 9:22pm
No sweat about life. it's never been able to keep me down and has been trying for 27 years now. It should know better, but hey, even I respect determination lol. I remember about 7 or 8 years back there were a lot of rumors about a legend of zelda movie and even a trailer to go with them. But all turned out to be a farce, but i'll be damned if the trailer didn't look real.
luciendar2k @luciendar2k left a comment for ZeldaChan
Dec 21, 14 at 9:01pm
Yeah I'll be fine, thanks for asking. I'm way to stubborn to be put down for long. But yeah I've watched attack on titan, it's intense to say the least. And I don't know about a live action version. I can't see it being very good, but who knows