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missy_mcgardin @missy_mcgardin
missy_mcgardin @missy_mcgardin
I just Joined this site (Which I'm so glad actually exists xD) anyway so umm...Hi lolz ^-^
Any people in the missouri area??? :3

missy_mcgardin @missy_mcgardin
commented on
Any people in the missouri area??? :3
missy_mcgardin @missy_mcgardin
I'm not sure lolz but I'm pretty sure I'm the youngest here being 17 so all my plans depend on my father but so far he has agreed to allow me to go to the anime getaway and the Japanese festival, but the ones in KC or farther out I wouldn't be aloud to go to. My father is over protective and hates when I become friends with older people or anyone I didn't meet in person first. It's understandable but can be a pain sometimes. And I'm going with my friend to the animegetaway and festival but If you guys do go let me know and we can find a place to meet up there (but fair warning I tend to get mistaken for a 13 year old since I'm really short and have a child like face:/ in real life I guess I could be considered similar to a Loli but not at the same time.) Any way I'm glad you found a new store and I believe you are right about the festival and the animegetaway.
Any people in the missouri area??? :3

missy_mcgardin @missy_mcgardin
commented on
Any people in the missouri area??? :3
missy_mcgardin @missy_mcgardin
I don't know if it's worth it either. so far I've only been to one convention which was Anime stl, 2014 but I plan to go to anime get a way and the Japanese festival. And at the moment I still am in highschool but only 4 of my friends are anime fans and only 1 is an actual otaku :/ And I'm not in my schools anime club because all they do is watch a few eps. of anime and then move on next week leveing the choice up to you if you want to continue it or not. And I can't keep up with that. Anyway so I don't know what they socialize about I just know that they watch parts of anime. Also it sucks that the store near you shut down :( And I just ask people if they want to meet me at the events I'm going to or some other place like the stores, mall, or library/rec center so the app wouldn't be required by me. But if you seriously think of driving out here I'd google the events and look at them in the past to see if you think it is worth the trip.