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densetsu_no_baka @densetsu_no_baka
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Jun('s cat)
densetsu_no_baka @densetsu_no_baka
Thanks man, I really appreciate it. I'll probably be fine soon, just... Someone I thought was a friend wound up hurting me very badly. I have honestly been going back and forth on whether to hate them or myself. -sigh- The end of a friendship can be rather heartbreaking...

densetsu_no_baka @densetsu_no_baka
left a comment for
Jun('s cat)
densetsu_no_baka @densetsu_no_baka
Hey, I'm really sorry I didn't get back to you friday night. I've been really depressed the last week and I just kinda forgot. Here's the link:
It's fine, I don't really mind. I can basically guarantee I'm not likely capable of being receptive right now though.

Jun('s cat) @mimimouto
Jun('s cat) @mimimouto

"Please go easy on me nya!"
Hobbies You Hide From People

Jun('s cat) @mimimouto
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Hobbies You Hide From People
Jun('s cat) @mimimouto
Not necessarily hide, or perhaps you could say I "hide" all of them. I just don't usually mention hobbies that are irrelevant to the situation or person I'm talking to.
Your characters in games. Self Immersion or Roleplaying?

Jun('s cat) @mimimouto
commented on
Your characters in games. Self Immersion or Roleplaying?
Jun('s cat) @mimimouto
I never really thought of putting up an entirely different personality to enjoy my games, but in terms of looks for my character I usually go for a female in more cutesy games, mostly because I find it aesthetically pleasing. (items that affect your look are my favorite part in those games XD) So like, I do see it as a separate character from myself (regardless of gender), but it's the real me making all the decisions. :P