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Nick<|3 @nick_uchiha
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Nick<|3 @nick_uchiha
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Nick<|3 @nick_uchiha
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Nick<|3 @nick_uchiha
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sadjester @sadjester
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sadjester @sadjester
Hi, thanks for accepting my friend request! Great meeting you.
One piece -if you could make you own devil fruit what would it be

MidoriShirosaki @midorishirosaki
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One piece -if you could make you own devil fruit what would it be
MidoriShirosaki @midorishirosaki
To be able to explode any inanimate object.
Clothes, ships, the ground, swords, bullets..
I think it would make me almost untouchable by weapons.
I would have to be defeated by hand to hand combat.