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MegaMemberMikeyV @micromembermikey
MegaMemberMikeyV @micromembermikey

Sneeding so hard rn, no cap

MegaMemberMikeyV @micromembermikey
MegaMemberMikeyV @micromembermikey
TumboTim got away.

Yuka King @yukachan
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Yuka King @yukachan

MegaMemberMikeyV @micromembermikey
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MegaMemberMikeyV @micromembermikey
If anyone finds a Kuwaiti Ridgeback Howler Goblin roaming around the Denver Metropolitan Area, please notify me immediately. His name is TumboTim and he is a prolific time criminal who has escaped containment. He's easily lead by loose change and sowing subversion upon the "cattle", as he calls them. Do not attempt to contain him, he is armed with a flesh bound tomb of ancient black magic and he will not hesitate to use it.
If found, please contact me here or on my Croniton-Link number: >/]([[).
Keep yourself safe.
-Time Officer, Squadron 42-D, Mike
Last one to post here wins

MegaMemberMikeyV @micromembermikey
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Last one to post here wins
MegaMemberMikeyV @micromembermikey

This could be you too, TumboTim, but you had to escape the cage. Motherfucker.