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SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
left a comment for
Mia Hanabi
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
Hi How are you doing?. Mia-Chan.

Elz @enerezu
left a comment for
Mia Hanabi
Elz @enerezu
Its ok mia! You're doing quite well in this site considering that this is your first try :3 So far, are you enjoying MO and its members quirky antics? XD

Key @key17 Why is everyone petting each other???

Baka @reinhardt76
left a comment for
Mia Hanabi
Baka @reinhardt76
This account has been suspended.
Are All Men Truly Perverts?

Mia Hanabi @miahanabi
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Are All Men Truly Perverts?
Mia Hanabi @miahanabi
it depends on the person you're talking to and what situation and what is happening surrounding the two of you and personally a guy wont be a jerk if you dont do something that will make them a jerk as for perverts you just need to know when she/he would do something pervert about a situation and for me im an open minded person but i just dont say stuff that will make me a pervert! you'd be a pervert if you comment on something that will make you a pervert so just think wisely. and lastly i guy would definetly do something pervert to you if he sees you're to easy or he sees you that moment sexually so yeah.. thats it bye thank for reading this

Mia Hanabi @miahanabi
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Mia Hanabi @miahanabi