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igodrako @igodrako
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igodrako @igodrako

InariNikita23 @inarinikita23
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InariNikita23 @inarinikita23
umm hi...(hides face in hands and walks away)

Andrade @andrade
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Andrade @andrade
Best recent anime you have watched. Looking for suggestions or discussion!
More than a successful encounter.

melimoe @melimoe
commented on
More than a successful encounter.
melimoe @melimoe
" And shortly there after they found this body in the slumps of Mexico. The American police investigators whisper words of condolence, for his manhood was slashed into tin air, and the nearby alligators feasted on what he had renounced as his pride. Nonetheless, it is nor a crime nor vengeance, but a an act of passion. Such passion that has been rendered in his genitals, now are a symbol of his egoistic pride that taunted his lover with unwanted witty and sarcastic commentary"
More than a successful encounter.

melimoe @melimoe
More than a successful encounter.
melimoe @melimoe
To be honest this is another way of confessing my profound love to Sukhjeet Sandhu. He can come off as a sarcastic asshole with a tendency to be very opinionated, but he is an amazing man, who is incredibly sweet, funny, smart and considerate. Just by gazing into his eyes, my heart melts. To make this narrative short, do not underestimate the connections this website can provide for you, because for me meeting him was more than a successful encounter, it is a dream come true being with him.