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Mihoyo @meepsra
Mihoyo @meepsra
I dislike how in the west wearing a face mask when sick or trying not to get sick is looked down upon

llNemesisll @llnemesisll
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llNemesisll @llnemesisll
haiii thank you for the friend request uwu, feel free to message me anytime~

Mihoyo @meepsra
Mihoyo @meepsra
Got done moving
How would you react if the above user confessed to you?

Mihoyo @meepsra
commented on
How would you react if the above user confessed to you?
Mihoyo @meepsra
Instead of that lets go see a movie.
Random thoughts...

Mihoyo @meepsra
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Random thoughts...
Mihoyo @meepsra
Why are naked and baked said so differently in English but are spelled so similarly?