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Setsuna @setsuna
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Setsuna @setsuna
Sweet You like Heroes as well?I have never played the original i would love to but i have added you on ign sorry for the late reply.

Mazukami @mazukami
Mazukami @mazukami
OMG I posted multiples ~sigh~
apologies still getting the hang of this XD
~delete delete~

Mazukami @mazukami
Mazukami @mazukami
Arigatou gozaimasu! Am glad to be here
How's the weather there in Jersey? Its really hot and humid down here
^////^ you visit DA I love you long time :3 yes lets be friends >^=^< btw LOVE your threads
YES! another fan of the classics
Monkey zodiac and Leo what a combination :)
Saggitarius and Boar X3