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Shadowfang Kuuga @kuuga
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Shadowfang Kuuga @kuuga
I understand your pain. I'm invisible most of the time.

Shadowfang Kuuga @kuuga
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Shadowfang Kuuga @kuuga
DUDE!! Genos is the MAN!!!

maybelater32 @maybelater32
maybelater32 @maybelater32
i am like the bible app sometimes, i'm always there but people tend to forget me alot
Something that you hate?

maybelater32 @maybelater32
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Something that you hate?
maybelater32 @maybelater32
i honestly hate it when a good shows ends too early. like i was watching dropout and i wanted to see if the main girl in episode 2 ever gets out of the situation she's in. i seriously don't like how since she was tossed aside, that she was forced to do what she did. now other than that, i hate bullies and people who think hentai is not art. (IT IZ I SWEARZ IT >_<)