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Guida (Sal) @salganha
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Guida (Sal) @salganha
Idk if you like those more slow, those more modern. I love those really generic ones XD
Just like this one:

MatthewToro @matthewtoro
MatthewToro @matthewtoro
So little people to talk to. ;;

MatthewToro @matthewtoro
MatthewToro @matthewtoro

Thanks for looking at my page! Please do message me!!
Last one to post here wins

MatthewToro @matthewtoro
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Last one to post here wins
MatthewToro @matthewtoro
But not everyone gets so lucky! ;;
What Anime made you cry?

MatthewToro @matthewtoro
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What Anime made you cry?
MatthewToro @matthewtoro
Your Name!