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J.A.M. @joseph87mar
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J.A.M. @joseph87mar
WoW, you like BECK, Awesome.

scarleti @scarleti
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scarleti @scarleti
hay what's Daisho Con like I might be going this year?
Favorite Voice Actor!

mastermind109 @mastermind109
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Favorite Voice Actor!
mastermind109 @mastermind109
I love Greg Ayres! He's an amazingly chill guy that loves to hang with fans. Just don't make him mad. He has quite the temper on him. I also love the fact he speaks out against so many issues. Plus an awesome DJ can't forget that
What anime do you own?

mastermind109 @mastermind109
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What anime do you own?
mastermind109 @mastermind109
Air (The Complete Collection and movie)
Evangelion 2.22 (Movie as well as some of the series)
Another (Complete Collection)
Clannad (Complete Collection)
Fullmetal Alchemist and Brother hood (Complete Collection)
Several Naruto DVDs
Beck (Complete Collection)
Sekirei (Complete Collection)
Steel Angel Kurumei (Complete Collection)
Choro Crusade (Complete Collection)
Astro Boy (Complete Collection)
Venus Versus Virus (Complete Collection)
Sakura Wars (Complete Collection)
Trigun Several DVDs and Movie
Tenchi Muyo GXP (Complete Collection)
Tenchi Muyo
Gundam Wing
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (Complete Collection and movie)
Captaion Harlock
and various other series I can't possibly think of right now
Jul 8-10
Jul 22-24
Oct 21-23
Nov 17-19