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Konata Izumi Fanboy @masterlust1
Konata Izumi Fanboy @masterlust1
im starting up artwork now for rule 34! Soo much fun XD

xkatiex @xkatiedidx
left a comment for
Konata Izumi Fanboy
xkatiex @xkatiedidx
i'm really glad you are okay! i'm here for you if u ever need someone to talk to. just private message me & i'll be willing to talk w/ ya... & i'll probably respond faster than i would if we were just talking on ur page. cause i can see that u responded easier.

Konata Izumi Fanboy @masterlust1
Konata Izumi Fanboy @masterlust1
Eh, Im sorry that I haven't been on. But it does mean a lot to me that your worried. At least somebody cares.