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CallmeJohn @callmejohn
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CallmeJohn @callmejohn
Mad Father
To the moon(This game has ze feelz :D
Misao(Jumpscares included)

CallmeJohn @callmejohn
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CallmeJohn @callmejohn
Yesh ikr? He's such an adorable cinnamon roll <3

CallmeJohn @callmejohn
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CallmeJohn @callmejohn

Pardon my curiosity dear but have you tried Undertale yet? And ofc welcome! Here's a car. Cheers!
Depression and suicide.

LadySynn @ladysynn
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Depression and suicide.
LadySynn @ladysynn
Tohru. Don't please. You are not thinking clearly. I have seen the pain suicide brings. It is a quick way out that causes more pain after the fact than you are aware. Your friends. Your family. They will all miss you dearly. Sure it is hard now but you will never regret the choice not to do it. I am not just saying this. I nearly did it myself. I had a rough time in my life. I never had the strength to go through it, even as i held a knife to my throat. I couldn't do it because with all the pain i was going through, i couldn't wish it on my loved ones. It took me years. But I don't regret not giving up. Stay strong. It will get better. It will be better. Just keep strong. Never. Give. Up. Because when you do not only you lose everything but so do those closest to you. That includes rhe online friends that care for you. Don't forget about them either. Live. You won't regret it. Life is beautiful. It gets better. You are so young and full of potential. Be strong. Because at the end of this road, you will be stronger than before. A true star in the darkness. Don't burn out. Keep shining. You have so much to bring to this world than you are aware of yet. Keep shining in the darkness.
The Lady has Arrived

LadySynn @ladysynn
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The Lady has Arrived
LadySynn @ladysynn
Lol i am just full of disappointments aren't i? xD