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kurusu_shutaro @kurusu_shutaro
kurusu_shutaro @kurusu_shutaro
let me catch up, and we can stream-sync, lol

teardropandstar @teardropandstar
teardropandstar @teardropandstar
I like it. Still watching it though, on season 2.

kurusu_shutaro @kurusu_shutaro
kurusu_shutaro @kurusu_shutaro
Nope, looks like a man shirt you should be wearing as pajamas.

kurusu_shutaro @kurusu_shutaro
kurusu_shutaro @kurusu_shutaro
Wow, where did you find such a cool shirt.
IRL pictures

teardropandstar @teardropandstar
commented on
IRL pictures
teardropandstar @teardropandstar

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