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38 year old Male
Last online 12年以上 ago
Lol I know what you mean..I remember a lot of people just randomly starting up pokemon card games during break time or something like that..did you like Pokemon or Digimon better or about the same? I know they're very different of course XD Lol my friends who don't watch anime..tried explaining the difference but they still thought the two shows are the same XD
lava @iatemylavalamp left a comment for kurokame
Oct 18, 10 at 7:54pm
http://whiteagle.net/jap/ This is what I use to type in kana. ^_^ You just have to be careful with wa/ha and o/wo.
Oct 18, 10 at 3:13am
dam comented in the wrong place double dam,
Oct 18, 10 at 3:11am
pokemon fevor had just hit when I got to jonior high,An I like evryone else was total obessed, add to that already being a hard core otaku and You get scary very very scary.
Hey. I've been alright. You haven't said anything wrong to me, if that is what you meant. I just don't know how to start a conversation, cas i have social anxiety disorder. o.o
Lol and you achieved that very well XD I like hearing old references like that as cheesy as they were, cuz that's what made them good imo >_< Did you ever have a stuffed Pikachu or a pokeball or something like that ;D? lol
lava @iatemylavalamp left a comment for kurokame
Oct 13, 10 at 7:20pm
ラヴです. お元気ですか. あたしはまあまあです. どおぞうよろしく! (I'm lava. How are you? I'm okay. Please treat me well!) :D
lava @iatemylavalamp left a comment for kurokame
Oct 13, 10 at 7:18pm
ラヴです. お元気ですか. あたしはまあまあです. どおぞうよろしく! You speak Japanese? :3
Lockoneyes @lockoneyes left a comment for kurokame
Oct 13, 10 at 2:46pm
:) It’s funny how you rambled in that last comment but I’m good .
Oct 12, 10 at 4:10pm
Is it stupid to go against nature? I find myself asking this question all the time. Why is it so difficult for me to do certain things. All things in moderation, is it just greed or is it a possiblity. Or Am I just beggiing for divine or karamatic back lash. I act unselfishly it bites me in the ass, I try to be friendly and I aleinate myself from others, I run to catch up only to fall on my face, why, how is this fare? Some say it is better to have loved and lost,and I cant help but question was it even worth the effort, trying your damdest just to lose. where's the equivalentcy where is the fairness
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