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38 year old Male
Last online 12年以上 ago
Oh when's the American one coming out? LOL"when we last left our heroes" reminds me of a Pokemon episode intro XD
Oct 11, 10 at 8:13am
Not sure why your re-introducing yourself.
Oct 11, 10 at 12:28am
I Think I ve been asleep along and short seista,Ive studied so hard that I speaking chem equations and jlpt vocab in my. Dear god deliver me from my academic woe, a full academic course load and a fulltime job are starting to take there toll. 17 more days to youmacon 50 more day till winter break.
Yes I've seen both shows..they're awesome XD Especially this one episode I saw this guy who's a bus driver complete this bike course in only a minute or so..But there was this one Japanese game show I saw a while back that was on a VHS, and I could never figure out what show it was cuz it didn't have subs...but it was where teams came on and united together to make shapes (like a wave or a volcano) and you wouldn't know what they were trying to make till they were completely done..do you have any idea what that might be XD? It was sooo cool
Sep 29, 10 at 12:18am
not really as random as you might think, watching ninja warrior right now, ever hear of unbeatable banzuke?
So true <_< with all the technology out, you would think we'd be up to date..oh well..have you ever watched Japanese game shows XD? lol kinda random
Sep 27, 10 at 12:23pm
really hate that you cant just delete when you post in the wrong area.
Sep 27, 10 at 12:21pm
dislike, hurt feelings, betarl and hatred,are some what foreign to me just by my unique perspective dictates when dealing with romance gone bad with angier, then nilism " just cut all emotinal ties to said person so it doesn't matter why waste futher energy on emotion the matter, when said individual is dead to you ,dont worry I won't mention it again, sorry and sorry again.
Sep 27, 10 at 11:14am
It's fine, I just really don't like him.
Sep 27, 10 at 9:08am
Did you have someone cheat on you? Probably not. I'm furious, don't bring that up, please!
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