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,.,,,, @anyuchi
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,.,,,, @anyuchi
NO! >:(

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
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Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
Welcome to MO!

aho girl @ahoonnanoko
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aho girl @ahoonnanoko
Welcome to MaiOtaku!
Do you ever feel like you need to look a certain way to cosplay?

kuroi_kenshi @kuroi_kenshi
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Do you ever feel like you need to look a certain way to cosplay?
kuroi_kenshi @kuroi_kenshi
I simply can't get rid off this cringy feeling I get when I imagine myself in a cosplay I don't look good in. :/ I can't cosplay as a muscular, incredibly obese or really underweight character for example or characters that are really tall. I wanted to make a Darth Vader cosplay years ago, but I accepted that I wouldn't look intimidating and cool in it with my 1,73 m :D
Whenever I see people cosplaying who look nothing like the character I cringe a little bit, but it's not like I can't accept it. Everyone can do whatever he wants to do, so I don't really care, I just don't want to do it myself.

kuroi_kenshi @kuroi_kenshi
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kuroi_kenshi @kuroi_kenshi
To be honest I don't even know how this works, I only know it from american movies where you lie on a bed and some dude talks to you. Years ago when my father died I was still in school and me and my mom had the chance to get some sessions with a therapist ... but the next session was almost one year later. Like wtf, very helpful to get someone out of a depression. I learned to accept myself and my mom did too, we went through this together and didn't need a therapist.
I don't know, it probably can be helpful, but I'm not really willing to pay money for this stuff after going through bad times on my own. It's already incredibly helpful to have someone talking to you, so you could easily do that online if you don't have family or friends irl :)