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poland1 @poland1
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poland1 @poland1
Hey, how's it going? Excited for the third season of yu yu hakusho

NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
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NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
I bet it was a lot of fun..
Im also sure that each con was really crowded...
Everytime there is a convention, there is always a huge turnout..

NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
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NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
So have you been to any conventions yet ?
Cosplay Discrimination

yumyumyums @kurodoll
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Cosplay Discrimination
yumyumyums @kurodoll
Well see, I'm not saying that I'm not going to cosplay again because. I am saying if anyone has dealt with their issues. I mean for people who do get a lot of cosplay hate because of their weight, race, ect. It does really start to get to you, and makes you feel like the cosplay community isn't very welcome. Which is ridiculous because everyone being from a society that doesn't accept us already because we're "different" Why would a subculture in the nerd community of ALL people want to outcast people?
Cosplay Discrimination

yumyumyums @kurodoll
Cosplay Discrimination
yumyumyums @kurodoll
Has anyone ever been discriminated because of their body type, weight, height, gender, race, ect because you're cosplaying a character that doesn't quite fit you? And what I mean by that is say someone wants to cosplay Rikku from FFX-2 and they are either, not a female, or they are another race, a darker skin color. or they don't have the super model thin body type. If so how have you handled yourself in these situations?
I'll explain more of my story. I am just getting back into Cosplaying after a long hiatus. Reason because of this, is because when I would cosplay it was always "Oh a black (insert character)" Like they make it sound like race and the color of my skin are a apart of the cosplay. People of color or not really taken seriously in the cosplay community because we aren't a common thing. Usually if you are not white or asian. People will like to do cosplay racism. Where a lot of people think you should only cosplay someone who is close to your skin color. I've witnessed and been a victim of it for years. To the point where I just stopped because it seemed the color of MY NATURAL SKIN had taken away from the cosplay itself, letting all my hardwork into that cosplay go to waste. Because people aren't admiring the cosplay they are more shocked that someone of color is cosplaying someone that isn't naturally that color. I'm also plus size as well, but I've actually never gotten poked at for my curves. It's more of my race, but I know plenty of people who do get ridiculed because they aren't that body type of the character they are cosplaying. I just want to know if there are other people out there who've been discriminated on because of their physical appearance.
Staff. Jul 15-17
Staff. Dec 13-15
Apr 11-13
Staff. Jul 4-6