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kiritoxasunafanboy69 @koritoxasunafanboy69
kiritoxasunafanboy69 @koritoxasunafanboy69
Still trying to fix my mustard gas intake tube to my bitcoin mining rig. Please send help

kiritoxasunafanboy69 @koritoxasunafanboy69
commented on
kiritoxasunafanboy69 @koritoxasunafanboy69

My confession is that I have been lying to you all the whole time. I actually dont own 8 bitcoin mining PC's in facti, I dont own any at all. I actually own 19 computers that mine Litecoins. Litecoins are a form of crypto-currency that are worth more than bitcoins so fuck bitcoins.
Confession: I fucking love videogames
Chivalry to Girl Gamers

kiritoxasunafanboy69 @koritoxasunafanboy69
commented on
Chivalry to Girl Gamers
kiritoxasunafanboy69 @koritoxasunafanboy69

Yeah, some guy one time tried to trade me his rare Killing Floor 2 gun skin for one of my bitcoin mining machines, 8 of which are taped to my wall with 2 industrial fans blowing air into them to keep them from literally melting. I turned him down seeing as he kept asking where I lived and sending me my IP address to me via twitter DMs. Don't know how he got my twitter either but its ok!