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kyubi's koala. @koalasenpai
kyubi's koala. @koalasenpai

kyubi's koala. @koalasenpai
kyubi's koala. @koalasenpai
Life is good.
I have the woman of my dreams next to me.
I have a plan to be with her soon.(although money is tight I can do it very soon)
It's raining outside and I'm sitting on the porch drinking coffee and thinking about the one I love.
Jeez I love her and I love the rain.

kyubi's koala. @koalasenpai
kyubi's koala. @koalasenpai
I so want a vacation.
....I need a vacation.
.......I can't afford a vacation
..I wanna take my beautiful girlfriend with me if I go on a vacation.

kyubi's koala. @koalasenpai
commented on
kyubi's koala. @koalasenpai
I confess I want a nap 10 energy drinks all the protein bars. And enough money to make one person happier than anyone in the universe.

kyubi's koala. @koalasenpai
commented on
kyubi's koala. @koalasenpai
@Shinee oh is that so well you know I'm yours and Valentine's is right around the corner so would you be my Valentine?