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adverageguy @adverageguy
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adverageguy @adverageguy
Hi there hows things?

zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
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zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
Happy new years bro

borsty24 @borsty24
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borsty24 @borsty24
Happy New years Max! Have a good one!
Lfp to play with in FF XIV .

kirigaya_kazuto @kirigaya_kazuto
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Lfp to play with in FF XIV .
kirigaya_kazuto @kirigaya_kazuto
And PvP is level sync'd to 30, 40 and 50 so you should be able to at least have a go of it =D I've been sticking with 30 and 40 for now because it's loads easier lol barely anyone who has gear on par so if I get a decent party that'll actually listen to me we're bear enough unbeatable haha xD
Lfp to play with in FF XIV .

kirigaya_kazuto @kirigaya_kazuto
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Lfp to play with in FF XIV .
kirigaya_kazuto @kirigaya_kazuto
I haven't been able to yet :( kept the money in to transfer but forgot about paying my subscription :p If I can get to the bank I'll put some money in and transfer, if not I'll just borrow my mates card when he gets paid xD