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Elgardiel @maxkarateboy
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Elgardiel @maxkarateboy
I realy enjoyed Drifters, well same people who made Hellsing i expect greate things from them :D
S2 of Drifters shoul be sweet :D.
P.S. Psycho-Pass 3 will be out soon ... so if u didn't seen 1 or 2 .. i recom,end :)

kingaj @kingaj
kingaj @kingaj

kingaj @kingaj
kingaj @kingaj
Starting the Show Drifters on recommendation hopefully finish it in one night.
Best Fight Scenes In Cartoons

kingaj @kingaj
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Best Fight Scenes In Cartoons
kingaj @kingaj Superman when he stomps the elite
Attack on Titan *spoilers*

kingaj @kingaj
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Attack on Titan *spoilers*
kingaj @kingaj
^^yeah it’s to good to wait on the anime continue reading things are picking up