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Master Rin Okumura

30 year old Female
Last online 7年弱 ago
Dec 16, 16 at 10:30pm
lol don't worry about it
Dec 15, 16 at 10:17pm
and oh c'mon you can't disagree on the gta comment ff music is awesome xD
Dec 15, 16 at 10:16pm
Guess I don't mind his normal look just the "casual" one lol. I know its supposed to be "modern" but it just clashes too much with the FF world and doesn't work at all in that regard. You'd be the first I've met who actually likes that costume lol but to each their own. I'm okay with the rest of theirs somewhat though as there's something I can stand. I just wish there were more options and I think that's something that could've been added without too much difficulty. RPG ya know xD
Dec 15, 16 at 10:16pm
Guess I don't mind his normal look just the "casual" one lol. I know its supposed to be "modern" but it just clashes too much with the FF world and doesn't work at all in that regard. You'd be the first I've met who actually likes that costume lol but to each their own. I'm okay with the rest of theirs somewhat though as there's something I can stand. I just wish there were more options and I think that's something that could've been added without too much difficulty. RPG ya know xD
Dec 14, 16 at 8:12pm
*waves* hai! People are here you just gotta look and say hi to em lol. Forums too of course. They did mostly well on the game. I can't stand noctis' costumes though...and the rest too practically have none but his in particular are so bad. Him and a hat does not fit well xD But the car having auto pilot and the best radio in the history of ever totally top things like GTA 5 haha.
Dec 14, 16 at 7:35pm
Welcome to MO
*yawns and looks around* where is everyone at?
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 In the forums. I highly suggest exploring them and meeting everyone, but be warned some people love getting triggered in the debate/discussion type forums.