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VictorianNightmare @chibiniibuni
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VictorianNightmare @chibiniibuni
Yep! Lol.I do the same thing when I cosplay

VictorianNightmare @chibiniibuni
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VictorianNightmare @chibiniibuni
I like alittle of both, helps balance it all out. XD One week I will watch slice of life anime/romance kinda shojo beat then the next week action, blood and just total awesomeness.

VictorianNightmare @chibiniibuni
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VictorianNightmare @chibiniibuni
Yeah I like watching K-ON. I never thought I would like it as much as I do to tell you the truth until I started to watch it on the Anime Network.
Greetings Earthlings!

king_fool @king_fool
Greetings Earthlings!
king_fool @king_fool
Hello everyone! My name is Josh, I'm from FL and believe it or not... I like anime! Woot! Ummm also things and stuff and stuff and things!
It's a pleasure to meet you!
(^*.*)> *Transmission Ended* <(*.*^)