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London, United Kingdom
miirey @miirey left a comment for KikaishikiTokei
Feb 10, 14 at 1:04pm
fine just wasteing some time here and on tumblr ^^
miirey @miirey left a comment for KikaishikiTokei
Feb 10, 14 at 11:00am
hello :)
Anofda @anofda left a comment for KikaishikiTokei
Feb 10, 14 at 9:50am
Hey ^o^/
adam4472 @adam4472 left a comment for KikaishikiTokei
Feb 10, 14 at 5:45am
The nearest one to me is in Cardiff, i'm going to it in March.
Feb 09, 14 at 7:52pm
I do like cooking for others. :3 So sure i can try bake something for you, if we meet. ^w^ I should prob also go to bed. So goodnight and sleep well. Hope we can talk more tommorrow. ^w^/
Feb 09, 14 at 7:20pm
I really hate when people just tries to use you to earn money and specially when they try pissing you off at the same time. Lucky i managed to do so the host family that had me, was never allowed to get a new person to take care of. Its not the same system as the thing with a host family in japan. This Host Family is usually for Children/Young people under 18, who's family cant take proper care of you or you family is maybe deceased, or your family gives up on you or you give up on your family. In my case i just wanted to get away from my dad's, last gf, since i really could not take living like that anymore. I hope that explains it, else you are welcome to ask further, since i dont mind talking about it. :3 If it comes to a point where i dont wanna talk about it, i will say it. Yea, my family loved my cake. X3 But its so sad i lost the recipe. But i actually like baking and cooking when its not just for myself. On another note, i would like to try taste your cookings, if we ever meet. :3
Feb 09, 14 at 5:03pm
My dad once had i gf i really could not live with. We where fighting all the time when i was little, so i choosed myself to get into an host family, which again was the worst decision ever. The host family used me to make money. Did everything to piss me off, just so they could tell the government they needed more money to control me. They forced me to eat alot more than i could take and put carrots in everything. I once got so sick i went out throwing up from eating way too much. It took me 3-4 years before i finaly escaped and got away. They where sadly that good at hiding stuff and manipulate whats bieng said. But i was too much of a rebel to be controlled that easily. X3 I would be seriously overweight too if i didnt have this metabolism. And im trying to cut down myself, for when its gonna go away, but its hard as hell, since its so tempting to just eat what you want, cause you wont gain weight from it. Onigiri, thats the Rice Balls? Im okay with baking. It prob comes from my mom, since she bakes alot nearly all the time. Though i once made a cake which failed, but tasted awsome. Me and my family decided to call it an Volcano Cake, since it raised up like a Volcano and brown sugar running down from the top of the cake, while the middle is filled with it. Sadly i lost the recipe. I really wanna make it again. And i love baking for others. :3 Your baking sounds interesting anyway. I find it funny when baking goes wierd, and usually it gives a good laugh. XD
adam4472 @adam4472 left a comment for KikaishikiTokei
Feb 09, 14 at 4:16pm
I go to conventions whenever my bank balance allows. I normally go to local conventions or MCM in London. I also regularly go to The Insomnia Gaming Festival. I would love to go to them more often but my wallet can't take it.
Feb 09, 14 at 3:40pm
I only tried Fondue itself with oil. I never tried chokolate fondue. But sure i wanna try it one day. :3 Seems like you are living on cheap food like myself. Even though im bieng told i can make it cheaper, i find it way too time consuming to make it really cheap or too booring so i wont eat it. Thats really daring to say you would prob eat a Scorpion Deep Fried in batter. But i get what you mean. owo; I do like spicy food myself, though it must not be too hot, cause my stomach doesnt like hot food that much anymore. I love the standart mushrooms you put in food and in general most vegetables. Only thing i really dont like is Carrots, since a host family i lived with once, forced me to eat food with about 90% Carrots and rest the actual food. All food tasted of carrots and i grew to dispise it. D;X With sweet tooth i can follow you pretty well. I have a hard time holding myself back from food that taste sweet. Unless its too sweet ofc. XD Lucky for me, my body dont gain weight really, something we have in the family when we are young. :3 One thing i really wanna learn to make is actualy Ramen with seasoning and stuff. I dont mean the finished products, but from scratch.
Feb 09, 14 at 3:10pm
Haha :3 yeah having to wait for 1 ep once a week >.< feels like a month, sometimes they don't even release it and it makes ppl go crazy xD. I'm going crazy just waiting for SAO 2 >.< and Fairy Tail.