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London, United Kingdom
Feb 09, 14 at 2:46pm
Sounds tasty. :3 I favorite food/dish thingy. Its named Fondue. You have a bowl of boiling oil in the middle of the table and alot of vegetables, meat and spice's around the bowl on the table. Then you have those tiny long forks you put whatever you want on and into the oil, letting it cook. Its so tasty and lets the family or friends gather, talk and have fun. Cause Fondue takes a long time. :3 Else there is a dish called "Sort Gryde" in danish. I really love that too. For what i usually eat, its kinda random. Depending on what food is on sale and what is cheap. Mostly i eat French Fries, with random types of meat, since it last okay long and easy to make. I dont feel like making food really, when im alone. About Sushi, i dont like it myself. But we have an large Sushi restaurent close to where i live. I think they have everything related to that. What food do you eat usually? And whats your favorite food?
Feb 09, 14 at 2:17pm
The art works for anime don't really matter much to me but if the story is just bad I'll just stop watching it. Most of the anime these days are ether ecchi or harem to much of it is being made and wat I think is a lot of ppl don't like those kind of anime but those kind don't bother me. xD
Feb 09, 14 at 1:55pm
I agree. Curiosity makes life so much more fun. :3 The light inside the city is so annoying. Specially cause i like to sleep in total darkness if i can. Also the pollution in the air is really bad. One of the reasons i mostly only let fresh air inside my apartment at night, since its most polluted in daytime. But its a good reason to move out into a more nature friendly area. ^w^/ And no, you dont write or ramble too much. I rather enjoy reading what you have to say. I find it interesting. :3 My day have mostly been spend at my pc like you. Even though i should really get to packing more crates. But i plan to do it alot tommorrow instead, since today is weekend, and its now i can really talk with people. I have also just made food. Ratatouille with Chicking Gorden Bleu. Sounds fancy lol. We have an tiny Asian store here where i live. But they dont really sell anything i like. I would really like to try Pocky's. And one day a Pocky Kiss. X3
Feb 09, 14 at 1:24pm
Im glad you see what i mean with the RE. And I do accept others belief, as long as they dont try to make me believe it. :3 And if it helps people to believe in god, im glad it helps them. What i myself believe in, is that you cannot truly die. That you will come out as a spirit or be reborn. I myself is afriad and cant see how you can just be gone when you die. So whatever helps you through life, you should keep. :3 I like your curiosity alot, since im very curious myself. ^w^ Yea, living close to the main attractions rewards easier access to all the fun. But mostly its in the middle of a city, thats busy alot and alot of noise. Atleast thats how it is here where i live. Sorry i dont write so much now. Im kinda running dry of things to say atm. Also im much better at answering questions than saying things about myself. X3 How is your day going, up until now?
Feb 09, 14 at 11:54am
Then you must understand how my bad memmory is. Kinda relieving i dont have to explain it all from buttom. :3 Though book and anime's etc. Things i like and is very interested in i hardly forget. So i cant really pick up things again and feelings its a new thing. Like you i learn best from practice rather than toturials. A thing my teachers never seemed to understand sadly. X3 I do remember most of the anime's and games i see/play. But when i have the pen in my hand it all goes away or is too faint for me to draw. For me i preffer only working with 1-2 other people or totaly alone. Im not any good with lots of people around, cause then i mostly just standing, not knowing what to do. Afriad of bieng an annoyance or obstacle for others. For me, i dont have any friends with any religion. Cause i myself dont really like religion and always took distance from it, cause it seems way too wierd, rejecting and hostile for me. I never really took part in the religion class thingy in school, since it boored me so much. The few things i believe in is closest to Buddha or what he is called, but i dont worship anything. Though dont mistake me, cause im still friendly to others. Aslong as i can see their faces, else i dont really wanna talk with them, cause im feeling they dont wanna talk honest with me. :3 I hope this doesnt throw you off. >w<; My family lives relatively close by luckily. Else i would not be able to visit them much. Sounds cool. Just makes me wanna go to an convention even more. But yea, i heard the stuff there was expensive. We dont really have much going on in denmark, like other places. But we do have an convention sometimes. But i dont know where, since i never attended one.
Feb 09, 14 at 11:03am
O :/ but anime movies not really my thing unless the movie is connected to the anime story line xD. Maybe in the future they well bring Bleach back on anime. I hope they do at least -.- becuz these days some anime aren't that good.
Feb 09, 14 at 9:28am
Ah, i was a bookworm once. Bu the pc have kinda taken over with the anime. X3 I like to watch movie's and love anime's too, though i wanna see it at home. Cause i wanna be able to pause and im a home is best kinda person. :3 Also im not reading much manga myself either, its mostly the anime's i follow. I never really watch tv either. Only when im visiting my family and they sit down watching news or something. But about you liking history, i love reading, but mostly go out looking at ancient ruins or places our in the real world. My favorite times are World War and Middle Ages. And the Roman Empire, i really wanna try see the ruins of that. For jobs i want to draw anime/manga. But i lack the imagination to do it sadly, since i have the skills for drawing itself. I can only draw what i see, not really from fantasy. And writing isnt really me. Then i tried working with the computer, programming and stuff. But im born with abid of bad memmory, so i forget how to do things quickly. Which is a reason i need to burn for a thing to really learn it. Like english. Though i really wanna learn Japanese. What i have though about doing for life is bieng an archeolog, but i cant see how that can earn me money. Unless im missing something very obvious. owo; Cause i really like bieng outside in the nature and i like history like you. :3 But my plans atm is still going out trying alot of jobs, 3 months each. After i got a job and can save money up so i can move on, trying to see what else i wanna do. Cause i will have the money for it. :3 But i guess you work best with only a few people or just yourself? Like me? For Hobbies, i like playing games, and watch alot of anime's. And i would really like to be more with friends. I would like to go more out into the nature and travel around abit. Going to anime con's. Buying anime stuff and maybe Cosplay. But it all requires me to get more money.
Feb 09, 14 at 8:27am
I never really though about how i wanted my house. Only that i want alot of space and large bedroom, cause i love to have lots of space in bed, so you can just stretch your body without going outside the bed. :3 But where you describe you want your house sounds really nice actually. Something i think i could live really well with. Also and Balcony and attic would be nice. ^w^ I sleept so well that i didnt wanna wake up from my dream. But my body rebelled and continued pulling me out of sleep. XD So i havent been up for long either. Prob 2-3 hours. And i like to just lay in bed when i wake up, so i usually get up late. Unless someone pull me out. Or work/Education does it. Or something whole else is making me wanna get out of bed. XD What hobby's do you have btw? What you like to do in your free time? Or what you dream of doing?
Feb 09, 14 at 8:00am
Thank you. :3 Where do you dream your house should be? Big city? Small Town? Out in no where? X3 Where do you dream to live, environment wise? I hope it will help you atleast. Cause i think a person should work with something they like and enjoy life. :3 As far as i know, you are 1 hour behind me only. So its afternoon for me too. ^w^ So how was your sleep? I guess asking about your day is still abit too early, since you prob just got up? :3
adam4472 @adam4472 left a comment for KikaishikiTokei
Feb 09, 14 at 5:04am
When i went to Japan i was visiting my cousin who used to work for Namco, so i got the chance to go to the Namco studios and visit the Namco theme park. That place was weird as hell, who thought it was a bright idea to put a theme park in the middle of a skyscraper. Te best thing about my trip to Japan was the crab vending machine, a vending machine that dispensed live crabs. As for my trip to Scandinavia i went with my friend harry to a comic convention in Stockholm, there we stayed with some guys we met online playing LoL.