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London, United Kingdom
Feb 08, 14 at 8:25pm
Living home makes you have to worry less about money. Its one of the only thing i see now, after i moved out living for myself. But on the other hand, i got my freedom instead. At the cost of managing my economy alot more. But i survived many tight gaps until now, a new one comming when i move. DX One day i also wanna have a house, but im not thinking about that so much, cause its way out in the future still. X3 And i guess your apprenticeship will help you better out on the job market? I dont really have any expirence myself out there, sadly. Im glad, i enjoy talking with you. :3 (Im also going to bed now, so goodnight and sleep well)
Feb 08, 14 at 7:58pm
Ah. I have Asthma too, though mine has laid down, so im not feeling it anymore. And yea, i need to be able to take care of the cat first. Though as i said it was just maybe i would get a cat. :3
Feb 08, 14 at 7:51pm
Yea, not enough money is a pain. I looked nearly a month before finding a suited apartment that was okay in rent and space. Working only weekends and earning more than you do fulltime sounds unfair. XD You thinking about looking somewhere else? I dont have any possible someones. Im still looking for a girl interested in me. And i must say i wanna learn to know you better. :3
Feb 08, 14 at 7:33pm
That part of Levi was one of my fav part in AoT so epic xD but feel so sad about team Levi :,,( so much feelings. I hope one day they put anime in 3d becuz AoT would be so kool in 3d. I only read the manga if the anime stop continuing like Bleach >.< still wish it was in anime, it was getting interesting to.
Feb 08, 14 at 7:33pm
Wow, we share a big interest there. Exept im not an general animal lover, i really love the nature. Though i must confess i love cats. X3 Even though i have allergy to fur. D;X But im still planning to maybe get a cat, one day. With certain rooms its not allowed into ofc, because of my allergy. Dogs on the other hand i dont like that much, cause i have been assaulted and biten by dogs several times in my young days, leaving me afriad of most of them. Specially large ones.
Feb 08, 14 at 7:25pm
I just stopped Studying, cause i failed 3 times, not wanting that kind of future anyway. So my plan right now is to first move. Then get the city im moving to, to send me out in different jobs 3 months each, so i can quickly see what i might like. After i found something that hopefully will finaly catch my interest, ima take the job or get an education for it. Thats atleast my plans atm. Getting a job is something i really want, cause im tired of only having the few money i have atm. I cant afford to travel around in my own country really. >w<; And i really really wanna be able to travel around to my friends and be able to try going to Anime Cons and do alot more anime stuff. :3 What i just hope is, that the girl that might be interested in me, have the patience to wait for me to get a job so i can travel, or they will travel to me. Atleast for the visiting part, since contact can always be keept. :3
Feb 08, 14 at 6:54pm
How are you with Nature and Silence btw?
Feb 08, 14 at 6:50pm
Oh god. Bieng forced to listening to music you dont like is really annoying. And specially if you can feel it vibrating in the building as you say. Though most of my time i actually dont listen to music to be honest. I like things to be quiet, so i can think clearly and rest my mind. Thats also a reason i wanna move to a small town, instead of the big city im in. There is simply too much noise for my liking. Either i just sit chatting with people in silence or i like to throw myself in my bed, just looking up in total silence, thinking of nothing. So relaxing and nice. And it relieves some of my stress to just do it. I also like to just go out in the nature. Listening to the silence and relaxing my mind.
Feb 08, 14 at 6:41pm
Hunter x hunter and One piece they both just makes me want to know wat happens in the end >.< I could just read the manga but y read it when it's coming out on anime plus anime have so much effect and I love hearing the voices of the characters more then reading it in my own voice but I still think one piece has another 500eps before it ends they are only half way on the grand line xD much more enemy's to be heard of
Feb 08, 14 at 6:27pm
Well, im bored sometimes. But its cause there is so much to do i cant decide. XD I can see why you find it strange. X3 I dont absolutely watch every video either, but i find most fun from Markiplier specially. Thats my favorite youtuber. With AMV's, thats the only way i really listen to music, and about genre, it depends very much on my mood. This youtuber and all his/her channels is what i use mostly for music. :3 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYnnW5JfBY7KQQgIfH6ocNA Though RAP is one music genre i really really dont like. And pure Bass music isnt me either.