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London, United Kingdom
adam4472 @adam4472 left a comment for KikaishikiTokei
Feb 08, 14 at 6:15pm
To be honest if i could move anywhere, it would be Finland/Sweden or Japan. I have been to both of them and loved the experience. But really i just want to move abroad.
Feb 08, 14 at 6:10pm
Ahha yeah it would be awsome just seeing all ur own favorite out going anime like Attack on Titains season 2 xD or wat going to happen in One Piece >.< just talking about it makes me want to jump to the future right now D:
Feb 08, 14 at 5:57pm
Yeah that is a lot of money >.< but saving little by little can get there don't need to rush in life :) but maybe in 8 years u might have a better job and get pay more who knows xD don't have the eyes of the future :p that's y we need to build a time machine and go into the future Time machine :3 2014 {---------------------------} | |= = =| | | | • | | | |__________| | {---------------------------} 2030 :)+< :)+<
Feb 08, 14 at 5:23pm
The internet is great yes. There is so much good stuff and so many nice people. :3 You actually spelled the danish words correct, no mistakes there. :3 But for me. If i burn for something, im pretty sure to learn it. And for jobs, its kinda needed to know english in general, cause you can get customers talking english or writing english. There is all kinds of situations where english is very good. Though you can survive without, but there isnt much you can do then. And for youtubers i follow: Pewdiepie Markiplier Lordminion777 CaptainSparklez MMOHuts Those are who i follow the most. Though there is sometimes i watch a few other youtubers, but not very much. What about you? What youtubers you follow?
Feb 08, 14 at 5:04pm
Yeah it cost a lot I total the amount around $25,000 for 2 years but depends on wat school u want to learn at but anyways here the site check it out and see wat u think and sorry about the late reply >.< http://gogonihon.com/en/learn-japanese-study-in-japan
Feb 08, 14 at 4:18pm
The anime that really introduced me to the anime world was the .Hack Series. First i read the manga and then the anime's. ^w^ I watch anime with English Subtitles and Original soundtrack I dont like Dubbed anime's. I want it original, so i dont miss out the fun. My english writing is mainly cause i was so focused about learning english when i was in public school. I was far ahead the others and i talk english daily, alot of english. I even remember why i burned so hot for wanting to learn english. It was because i was in a game where i wanted to ask how people shot a "Blue Arrow" A pretty simple word, but it got me burning. XD But i mostly speak(Write) english everyday and have many english friends. Also i follow alot of youtubers, where people talk english a whole lot. Most common language, as far as i know. :3 Oh, and with jobs and educations, its a must the know english. You wont get very far without knowing english.
Feb 08, 14 at 3:39pm
Ahhaha that's funny :p but yeah I did work hard for them >.< still need to get Attack on Titains Manga, it cost so much but I just love the art works. After I get the collection and my computer, going to have to save up $ for my 2 years in Japan to learn Japanese and their culture xD if u want to check out the school or interest I can give u the site and check it out ^.^
Feb 08, 14 at 3:10pm
Oh. I dont think you can be that big of a failure at games. Cause im a failure at games sometimes too. XD But sometimes failing at games can make alot of good laughs. :3 Angel Beats i allready planned to watch, so i will watch it. :3 I heard about the Fate anime (Serie?) I have though about if i should search for it and watch it, but other anime have always came up instead. Its totaly okay to be a fan. Im a fan myself many times after finishing a good anime. :3 Though i dont really rate anime's cause i think kinda all of them is great, of those i watched. Atm in watching: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Its abit wierd, and the first episode was very booring. Though im still trying to give it a chance.
Feb 08, 14 at 2:54pm
O I to playing maple story and a lot of other mmorpg but I'm like u my laptop just can't handle all the games I want to play so I'm still saving money to get me a gaming computer :) I only have the ps3 consloes if I can send a image of the games I have I would send it so u can see and also my anime dvd collections. I'm not trying to say I have more anime and games then u >.< don't think of it the wrong way. I just love collecting anime and games <.< but spend so much money D: an I also have a Dango music box from the anime Clannad :p
Feb 08, 14 at 1:55pm
Yeah Bleach Zanpaktou filler was also my favorite fillers out of all the anime I watch talk so much about the swords and it's powers. >.< I still wish we can go into a Anime and have power, but owell :p I'll just play my fantasy games like kingdoms hearts and animation games on my ps3, make me pretend I have power ahhaa and lvl up to learn more new ones. Do u have any kind of animation games that u play a lot?