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Neverland @dakoya
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Neverland @dakoya
You were a featured Otaku today!

kazukiyukio_ @kazukiyukio_ Lol that is strange

Neverland @dakoya Hopefully, you'll see an influx of people talking to you. If not at least I hope your day will be filled w/ luck and good tidings. :D

kazukiyukio_ @kazukiyukio_ lol well so far no people yet

Neverland @dakoya Ah, that's too bad holmes. Hopefully the rest of my statement comes true though :-).

Neverland @dakoya
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Neverland @dakoya
Sup brah, nice beard.

Lunawhitemoon @animelover2015
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Lunawhitemoon @animelover2015
^^ thank you for the freinf request.