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InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
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InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
Ah that's good! I'm sure you did well Diane o/ Oh really? I wouldn't have thought about that actually o.o I thought everyone else would do well in German just like you did X3 I guess it just goes to show that you're intelligent eh? XD Heh!! And I get what you mean, although for my best friend, she knows something like 4 languages (French, English, Spanish, Japanese) so whenever it comes to language based stuff she can do it XD Well she can do anything way better than I can to be honest x_x But hey, it's good you're nearly done o/
Ah really? I haven't actually seen No. 6 yet but I was told it was great! I've been watching through Serial Experiments Lain and it's one of the weirdest and most unsettling animes I've ever watched ._. Like what the hell I don't even levels XDD But it's good :3 Ooo plans? Hmm, well I never really plan stuff for summer I tend to just do things whenever XD But yeah I'll be going on holiday with my parents and going out to plenty of places with friends, specifically parties where I'll be the only sober one there since I don't like alcohol XDD
Ah! Thanks Diane! If you want we can continue speaking over there if you like? :3 I don't want to clog up the comments on your page XD

InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
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InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
Ah that's good then! I mean since you are German I'd imagine you would have A+'d that shizzle like a boss XDD Heck I could barely get B in English that's how awful I am at everything ever XDD But hey, keep your chin up Diane, as long as you do your best that's all that really matters :3 I mean you do seem smarter than me so chances are you'll pass XD But yeah once it's all over you can throw away your worksheets and be like "Fuck it! I'mma goin' to le beach!" XDD I would go the beach here myself but it always rains in England XD
Heh! Thanks Diane :3 I really appreciate it! I'll make sure everything will go fine if I just keep my mind to it X3 That's if everything goes well of course XD Heh! Yeah free to do anything! Watch anime, play games and all that good stuff XD That makes the summer awesome XD Well that and going out with family and friends to great places of course XD
Oh no worries Diane! I lost my webcam as well so you aren't the only one XD I'll add you on there right now so we can talk there whenever you like :3

InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
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InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
Oh don't worry about it, it's understandable o/ Everybody's busy these days so I don't blame you Diane :3 But hey it's good that you're finally in that final stretch now then eh? :3 Just one final step to go and you're out of school forever! Trust me, when you land a course you really like college is WAY better than school without a doubt XD But until then, I'm sure you'll do just fine Diane! Just hold out until the end and do your best! If an idiot like me can pass with Cs and Bs, I'm sure you'll do even better X3
Heh! Thanks I appreciate that Diane, it's not very often people say that to me y'know? But nonetheless don't you worry - I feel better now that I finally have a clear mind, a good schedule and a goal plan, I'll be better than I have been for a while thanks to a little program I made for myself :3 I've even stepped up my workout sessions to ludicrous levels and while it's painful as hell, it's great! It's a great relief from stress and depression and I can look good doing it XDD But yeah I've been balancing my relax time too X3 Gotten to watch more anime, play more games and get busy with my hobbies more! So I'm feeling good about myself right now X3
Oh Diane, just wondering do you by any chance use Skype? o.o