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More reasons why I'm convinced westerners must not touch/Cosplay Anime

kajune @kajune
More reasons why I'm convinced westerners must not touch/Cosplay Anime
kajune @kajune
western cosplayers just look fake when they Cosplay Anime characters

kajune @kajune
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western cosplayers just look fake when they Cosplay Anime characters
kajune @kajune
If photoshop can make someone look like Anime character then there would already been many western cosplayers out there who successfully Cosplay Anime characters, or there won't be that many Anime fans who complain about western cosplayers ruining Anime characters.
The western cosplayer on the pic is photoshoped but she still look nothing like the Anime character, in fact she just make a mockery of the Anime character.
So whoever said Asian cosplayers look good because of photoshop are just super jelly that they hemselves look nothing like Anime characters no matter what they do even by using photoshop.