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♥ShyGirl♥ @shellbreaker
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♥ShyGirl♥ @shellbreaker
Hi there! Nice to meet you! I see you like traveling and that you have lived in Japan. Thats so awesome! What other places have you been to?

Elgardiel @maxkarateboy
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Elgardiel @maxkarateboy
Of course it counts :D ...and that burger .. hahah soo good :D
If I don't respond I will be a sleep.. I should be in bed .. long time ago..but you know insomnia O.o
So how do you find MO so far?

Elgardiel @maxkarateboy
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Elgardiel @maxkarateboy
IRL friends call me memelord ... I deliver best memes ( i have big ego too xD )
... I was wondering if you notice u seplt my name did ... is ALL GOOD :D
Memes on my wall are ALWAYS appriciated :D Spam as much as you are pleased :D

justaru @justaru
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justaru @justaru
this is quite aesthetically pleasing yes
re:zero season two

justaru @justaru
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re:zero season two
justaru @justaru
Who is Rem anyways? :v