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PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
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PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
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TheyCallMeMoon @jmr1598 Henlo Tea

frankie @hiretsunaotaku
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frankie @hiretsunaotaku
Thanks for the request :D

TheyCallMeMoon @jmr1598 No problem ^^ you're a kind person and I enjoy talking to you :)

frankie @hiretsunaotaku How's life ?

TheyCallMeMoon @jmr1598 It's going slow, it's like 3 am and I'm bored so I'm doing a family lineage search XD

frankie @hiretsunaotaku Ah I see. Can't sleep ??

TheyCallMeMoon @jmr1598 Nope ^^' I tend to have trouble getting to rest

frankie @hiretsunaotaku Something on your mind ?

TheyCallMeMoon @jmr1598 Not really, I have insomnia so it's generally hard to sleep, plus I've got nothing to do tomorrow so I don't mind it all that much

frankie @hiretsunaotaku Does insomnia cause tiredness it something like that ??

TheyCallMeMoon @jmr1598 Insomnia is the lack of ability to fall asleep

frankie @hiretsunaotaku Damn that's a useful life skill I could use

TheyCallMeMoon @jmr1598 If only it was without leaving you drained XD

frankie @hiretsunaotaku Np for me I'm always drained

TheyCallMeMoon @jmr1598 I can relate lol

frankie @hiretsunaotaku XD

TheyCallMeMoon @jmr1598 Trying to find information about my lineage is frustrating lol

frankie @hiretsunaotaku Imma try that in a couple of months

TheyCallMeMoon @jmr1598 I know I have nobility in my family, it's just difficult to figure out because of the fact that a lot of Russian ancestry documents got destroyed in the war

frankie @hiretsunaotaku Ooooooo that's interesting

TheyCallMeMoon @jmr1598 Yeah, I wanna know more but they're not giving me anythinggggg it's so frustrating

frankie @hiretsunaotaku Libraries or museums should be able to help

TheyCallMeMoon @jmr1598 I mean, I know about my great grandfather and great grandmother, I wanna know about before them

TheyCallMeMoon @jmr1598 I know my great grandmother was a duchess in Russia

anim0ski @anim0
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anim0ski @anim0
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TheyCallMeMoon @jmr1598
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TheyCallMeMoon @jmr1598
Yes, vibes, I already like you
Last one to post here wins

TheyCallMeMoon @jmr1598
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TheyCallMeMoon @jmr1598
Bananas, that is all