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kaileybug16 @kaileybug16
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kaileybug16 @kaileybug16
Thats awesome. But I'm good, I just started my winter break from college. Are you a senior in college??

jgoelz @jgoelz i just started too thank god!
i have 3 more semesters left so whatever that is. ^_^

sasaki @sasaki
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sasaki @sasaki
Cool! :D I hope your work went well! Here things are going good, I live in a small city near the coast, so nothing interesting happens XD
What about you? are you from Florida? :)

jgoelz @jgoelz Ya work was good :). I wanna visit spain!!
Yup south florida i love it here
Having a lazy day today whatcha up too?

lomlom @lomlom
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lomlom @lomlom
Hello, thank you for adding me ^_^

jgoelz @jgoelz Of course ^_^ how are you??
Animate Miami

jgoelz @jgoelz
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Animate Miami
jgoelz @jgoelz
ill be there Saturday night ^_^
Animate Miami

jgoelz @jgoelz
Animate Miami
jgoelz @jgoelz
I was thinking of going to animate miami this weekend
Is anyone else going??
Nov 22-24
Nov 21-23
May 28-31
Jun 25-28