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blablablabla @nekomeli
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Akuma Slayer
blablablabla @nekomeli
Pure awesomeness! :D

Blegh :O @ohimexchan
left a comment for
Akuma Slayer
Blegh :O @ohimexchan
Love your Gene cosplay!

Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
left a comment for
Akuma Slayer
Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
Where are you located now? I have a step uncle and cousin in the army.
Nice Gene costume too! I do not see many cosplay for Outlaw Star and it's one of my favorite animes.
convention religious soap-boxers

Akuma Slayer @jarredsaids
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convention religious soap-boxers
Akuma Slayer @jarredsaids
What got me was that there seemed to be an organized effort behind it. About halfway through the day a different guy in that same shirt would be standing on that box yelling the same things. I really just ignored it, but couldn't help feeling like the guy was an idiot for telling non-Christians AND Christians that dressed up that they were going to hell.
To your costumes and bentos, troops!

Akuma Slayer @jarredsaids
commented on
Akuma Slayer @jarredsaids
I remember when everyone said the world was going to end in 2000, and there was the evil "Y2K" computer glitch that was going to launch all the world's nuclear missiles. If you believe in the Book of Revelations, the end is a long, drawn out process with anti-christ, a HUGE war between his followers and followers of the true Christ, ... point is, it aint looking like that just yet. (And if you follow a different book or non at all, a quick glance around you should reassure you.) ... ZOMBIE!!!!