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Remmy~ @inigo
Remmy~ @inigo
Right?! So much nostalgia and memories from each of them

ell @mochibi
ell @mochibi
yes!! i'm always looking forward to all the rainbow roads tbh

Remmy~ @inigo
Remmy~ @inigo
Valid, been playing the new wave like crazy too

ell @mochibi
ell @mochibi
i'm busy playing the new mario kart wave asdgjkl sorry for not replying atm bc my man funky kong is backk

Remmy~ @inigo
Remmy~ @inigo
Thank youu I am too, been taking care of my puppy most of the day. Have you played other Final Fantasy's too or just VII? :o
And also who's your favourite in Star Rail?

ell @mochibi
ell @mochibi
hi there, i'm doing great! hope you're having a nice day too :-)
Compliment each other!

Remmy~ @inigo
commented on
Compliment each other!
Remmy~ @inigo
I know you're funny, nice and in a good way, weird x3
McSpanky reporting at your service! And a little Nervous >.<

Remmy~ @inigo
commented on
McSpanky reporting at your service! And a little Nervous >.<
Remmy~ @inigo
Welcome welcome! Ah I also love vocaloid, I find it calming for me x3