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shikamarachan @shikamarachan
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shikamarachan @shikamarachan
Kawaii!!!! Mitsukuni-kun!

cherryfame @cherryfame
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cherryfame @cherryfame
AW so cute ^^!!!!!! Honey-sempai! <3

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
huuny-sempai :D!
SOME otaku say you cant cosplay non anime characters at an ANIME con?

iKanji @ikanji
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SOME otaku say you cant cosplay non anime characters at an ANIME con?
iKanji @ikanji
Really, you can dress up as anything for any con; it's basically like extra Halloween. At Anime Expo, I've seen Jack Sparrow, Dead Mau5, Disney princesses and princes, Mario characters, brawl characters, assassin's creed, and even pandas (Not like Kung Fu Panda, but just a panda). SO really, the person who said that to you really doesn't know how cons work.