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Greg @igregrocks
Greg @igregrocks

A little stiff and not as deep as id like but I'm back doing heavy squats again

Greg @igregrocks
Greg @igregrocks

Got a new toy

Greg @igregrocks
Greg @igregrocks

It's a cold one today haha
Guys, What Are You Looking For?

Greg @igregrocks
commented on
Guys, What Are You Looking For?
Greg @igregrocks
for me its mainly like minded ppl to talk to. Not a lot of anime fans in my area and i work all the time so i have alot of nights with nothing to do and nobody to nerd out with. tell ppl i like anime here and they all give me that wtf look. i have no expectations of finding my next gf on here, ive been single a while so i dont even know if i can handle having a gf. plus as awesome as having a otaku gf would be, theres more important things than that
plus obviousman is right about how how spread out everyone is. the few good friends ive made here so far are way too far to hang out with
May 26-29
May 27-29
Jul 15-17
Jul 15-17