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Elaine Chan @howlingwolf42
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Elaine Chan @howlingwolf42
Nope I came here when I was 2. Does it matter though?

ubisiko @ubisiko
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ubisiko @ubisiko
Yep, add me if you want . It is Maria Gracia Quevedo

ubisiko @ubisiko
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ubisiko @ubisiko
Easttt!! jajaja yeah. You guess well :V and you?
How to approach "Asian" women?

Ian_Kyon @ian_kyon
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How to approach "Asian" women?
Ian_Kyon @ian_kyon
*takes down notes*
How old or young do you go when looking for a relationship?

Ian_Kyon @ian_kyon
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How old or young do you go when looking for a relationship?
Ian_Kyon @ian_kyon
I tend to go for 2 older, 5 younger. I try to have some for of guidelines but yeah, ages shouldn't matter in this day and age