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kaizu™ @finecanine
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kaizu™ @finecanine
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Anime english subbed or dubbed?

hyfrix @hyfrix
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Anime english subbed or dubbed?
hyfrix @hyfrix
I'd say subbed because english dubs sound very forced and can get really annoying but I can tell you by experience that not only english dubs have this issue but also every other language that is not japanese.
I don't quite know why but japanese dubs sound much better, and part of it is because they put more emphasis or passion to it.
New around here

hyfrix @hyfrix
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New around here
hyfrix @hyfrix
Well about EU community, there is a lot of diversity in anime likings because we have a lot of different countries around here each one with its own anime conventions and events some of them gather the highest numbers of people in the world even more than most US ones, notable examples would be Salon del Manga held in Barcelona, Spain (My country) gathering over 140.000 people, and the Japan Expo held in Paris, France, gathering over 250.000+ people.
However I think that American cons look amazing as well and I would like to go to one and see it with my own eyes.
Oh and definetly the best Con I've been so far has to be Anime Japan (Tokyo), that one sure is in another level...