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hutty5 @hutty5
hutty5 @hutty5
Hello people! You should totally click on that Info tab to check out more about me and such!

hutty5 @hutty5
commented on
hutty5 @hutty5
Hello there! and thanks!
I do have an anime list on my profile, it's under my Info tab but I'll post it here as well!

hutty5 @hutty5
hutty5 @hutty5
Hi there, name is Ricky.
I decided to give this site a try because most of my friends don't like to talk about anime as much as I do. I hope to meet new people!
You should totally check out my profile for more info about me and anime shows I have seen and planning to watch!
Hope to chat with some of you! Nice to meet you all!
P.S. I didn't want to go through and add all the anime shows through this website since I've already done that on another website and trust me... it's quite a bit and annoying having to search them again haha.