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hueyuzumaki @hueyuzumaki
hueyuzumaki @hueyuzumaki
this *is* my blog, you can learn a bit about me here

hueyuzumaki @hueyuzumaki
hueyuzumaki @hueyuzumaki
I make music listen to *it* here and here

hueyuzumaki @hueyuzumaki
hueyuzumaki @hueyuzumaki
I make music listen to if here and here
"What do you think of this world"?

hueyuzumaki @hueyuzumaki
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"What do you think of this world"?
hueyuzumaki @hueyuzumaki
I love human beings because I know what is possible for us and what our potential is, but I'm sad that this pathetic excuse for a civilization we've created is going to crash in my lifetime and that most of the people around me (with a very small exception) are completely oblivious and/or in denial about the facts staring them in the face. A major reason why we are doomed to fail at preventing a civilizational crash is because so many of the basic values that the system we live under is build upon are anti-life, anti-love and anti-holistic; they are misanthropic, death-fearing, excessively ego-preserving/gratifying, fragmentary, authoritarian/slave vs master values and I'm sorry to say, western religions, J.C.I (Judeo-Christian-Islam) in particular are largely (but not solely) to blame for inculcating these ways of thinking and being. Getting free of these ways of thinking and being is a critical first step to being able to establish familial, social and romantic bonds that could even remotely be called healthy and loving, we will not survive as a species if we can not create healthy and loving relationships with one another and we can not get free of the ways of thinking and being that prevent us from doing so unless WE QUESTION THE IDEAS AND VALUES WE WERE RAISED WITH.
Who loves Fooly Cooly?

hueyuzumaki @hueyuzumaki
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Who loves Fooly Cooly?
hueyuzumaki @hueyuzumaki
yes of course